New Ways to Include CBD in Your Wellness Routine
It seems almost everyone is concerned with wellness and staying healthy. Whether you want to improve your physical health, boost your mental well-being, increase your activity level, or eat a healthier diet, there is an increased focus on wellness these days. The National Wellness Institute notes that there are six dimensions of wellness-- intellectual, emotional, spiritual, occupational, social and physical fitness. Concentrating on these dimensions of wellness can help us to not only improve our present life experiences but also to prolong our life expectancy. Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, can be incorporated as a part of your wellness routine in a variety of ways, such as:
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of 2017, 14.2 percent of American adults said that they had meditated at least once during the past 12 months. This number was a drastic increase from 2012, when just 4.1 percent of Americans claimed to have meditated. These statistics indicate that we have begun to realize that meditation is good for our minds, bodies and souls. However, it can sometimes be hard to get into the right frame of mind to meditate. CBD can be beneficial in your process of winding down, focusing your mind and relaxing your muscles. Enjoying a VYBES CBD drink prior to meditation can help you to get into a more relaxed, positive state, ready to balance your mind and body.
The CDC also notes that in 2017, yoga was the most commonly used complementary health and wellness technique for Americans. CBD drinks like VYBES are available in a vast array of flavors and are great to drink prior to a yoga session or following one. They can help you to get into the right frame of mind to begin a yoga routine, as well as assisting you in relaxing even further once you’re finished.
CBD Skincare
CBD can also be incorporated as part of your skincare wellness and beauty routine. Many people are turning to natural CBD products in lieu of risky cosmetic surgery or expensive facial treatments to keep their skin healthy and glowing.
CBD for Sore Muscles/Pain Relief
Many people deal with sore muscles and pain after working out or even as a result of the stresses of everyday life. Rather than turning to prescription medications or over-the-counter pain relievers, some are choosing CBD for pain relief. The non-psychoactive properties of CBD make it an attractive choice for many who want to manage their post-workout or everyday pain. VYBES CBD drinks can also play a part in helping you to relax and unwind after working out.
CBD Drinks
CBD drinks like VYBES can help to improve your health and wellness in a variety of ways. Whether you enjoy a CBD beverage post-workout, indulge in CBD before or after meditation or yoga, or consume CBD drinks any time of the day or night, the positive effects of CBD on your mind and body will be evident. The long-term benefits of consuming CBD water include stress management and improved health outcomes.
Summing It Up
Wellness has become a renewed focus for many of us. CBD can easily be incorporated into your health and wellness routine. Whether you choose to drink VYBES CBD beverages, use CBD to relieve sore muscles, or utilize CBD-infused skincare products, you will see lasting and tangible benefits.